

This cookbook showcases how to ingest and transform/enrich data with LlamaIndex and then upload the data to Airtrain for further processing and exploration.

Installation & Setup

# Install some libraries we'll use for our examples. These
# are not required to use Airtrain with LlamaIndex, and are just
# there to help us illustrate use.
%pip install llama-index-embeddings-openai==0.2.4
%pip install llama-index-readers-web==0.2.2
%pip install llama-index-readers-github==0.2.0

# Install Airtrain SDK with LlamaIndex integration
%pip install airtrain-py[llama-index]
# Running async code in a notebook requires using nest_asyncio, and we will
# use some async examples. So we will set up nest_asyncio here. Outside
# an async context or outside a notebook, this step is not required.
import nest_asyncio


API Key Setup

Set up the API keys that will be required to run the examples that follow. The GitHub API token and OpenAI API key are only required for the example 'Usage with Readers/Embeddings/Splitters'. Instructions for getting a GitHub access token are here while an OpenAI API key can be obtained here.

To obtain your Airtrain API Key:

  • Create an Airtrain Account by visting here
  • View "Settings" in the lower left, then go to "Billing" to sign up for a pro account or start a trial
  • Copy your API key from the "Airtrain API Key" tab in "Billing"

Note that the Airtrain trial only allows ONE dataset at a time. As this notebook creates many, you may need to delete the dataset in the Airtrain UI as you go along, to make space for another one.

import os

os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"] = "<your GitHub token>"
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "<your OpenAi API key>"

os.environ["AIRTRAIN_API_KEY"] = "<your Airtrain API key>"

Example 1: Usage with Readers/Embeddings/Splitters

Some of the core abstractions in LlamaIndex are Documents and Nodes. Airtrain's LlamaIndex integration allows you to create an Airtrain dataset using any iterable collection of either of these, via the upload_from_llama_nodes function.

To illustrate the flexibility of this, we'll do both:

  1. Create a dataset directly of documents. In this case whole pages from the Sematic docs.
  2. Use OpenAI embeddings and the SemanticSplitterNodeParser to split those documents into nodes, and create a dataset from those.
import os

import airtrain as at
from llama_index.core.node_parser import SemanticSplitterNodeParser
from llama_index.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbedding
from llama_index.readers.github import GithubRepositoryReader, GithubClient

The next step is to set up our reader. In this case we're using the GitHub reader, but that's just for illustrative purposes. Airtrain can ingest documents no matter what reader they came from originally.

github_token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN")
github_client = GithubClient(github_token=github_token, verbose=True)
reader = GithubRepositoryReader(
read_kwargs = dict(branch="main")

Read the documents with the reader

documents = reader.load_data(\*\*read_kwargs)

Create dataset directly from documents

You can create an Airtrain dataset directly from these documents without doing any further processing. In this case, Airtrain will automatically embed the documents for you before generating further insights. Each row in the dataset will represent an entire markdown document. Airtrain will automatically provide insights like semantic clustering of your documents, allowing you to browse through the documents by looking at ones that cover similar topics or uncovering subsets of documents that you might want to remove.

Though additional processing beyond basic document retrieval is not required, it is allowed. You can enrich the documents with metadata, filter them, or manipulate them in any way you like before uploading to Airtrain.

result = at.upload_from_llama_nodes(  
    name="Sematic Docs Dataset: Whole Documents",  

Create dataset after splitting and embedding

If you wish to view a dataset oriented towards nodes within documents rather than whole documents, you can do that as well. Airtrain will automatically create insights like a 2d PCA projection of your embedding vectors, so you can visually explore the embedding space from which your RAG nodes will be retrieved. You can also click on individual rows and look at the ones that are nearest to it in the full n-dimensional embedding space, to drill down further. Automated clusters and other insights will also be generated to enrich and aid your exploration.

Here we'll use OpenAI embeddings and a SemanticSplitterNodeParser splitter, but you can use any other LlamaIndex tooling you like to process your nodes before uploading to Airtrain. You can even skip embedding them yourself entirely, in which case Airtrain will embed the nodes for you.

embed_model = OpenAIEmbedding()  
splitter = SemanticSplitterNodeParser(  
    buffer_size=1, breakpoint_percentile_threshold=95, embed_model=embed_model  
nodes = splitter.get_nodes_from_documents(documents)


If you are on an Airtrain trial and already created a whole-document dataset, you will need to delete it before uploading a new dataset.

result = at.upload_from_llama_nodes(  
    name="Sematic Docs, split + embedded",  

Example 2: Using the Workflow API

Since documents and nodes are the core abstractions the Airtrain integration works with, and these abstractions are shared in LlamaIndex's workflows API, you can also use Airtrain as part of a broader workflow. Here we will illustrate usage by scraping a few Hacker News comment threads, but again you are not restricted to web scraping workflows; any workflow producing documents or nodes will do.

import asyncio

from llama_index.core.schema import Node  
from llama_index.core.workflow import (  
from llama_index.readers.web import AsyncWebPageReader

from airtrain import DatasetMetadata, upload_from_llama_nodes

Specify the comment threads we'll be scraping from. The particular ones in this example were on or near the front page on September 30th, 2024. If you wish to ingest from pages besides Hacker News, be aware that some sites have their content rendered client-side, in which case you might want to use a reader like the WholeSiteReader, which uses a headless Chrome driver to render the page before returning the documents. For here we'll use a page with server-side rendered HTML for simplicity.

URLS = [  

Next we'll define a basic event, as events are the standard way to pass data between steps in LlamaIndex workflows.

class CompletedDocumentRetrievalEvent(Event):  
    name: str  
    documents: list[Node]

After that we'll define the workflow itself. In our case, this will have one step to ingest the documents from the web, one to ingest them to Airtrain, and one to wrap up the workflow.

class IngestToAirtrainWorkflow(Workflow):  
    async def ingest_documents(  
        self, ctx: Context, ev: StartEvent  
    ) -> CompletedDocumentRetrievalEvent | None:  
        if not ev.get("urls"):  
            return None  
        reader = AsyncWebPageReader(html_to_text=True)  
        documents = await reader.aload_data(urls=ev.get("urls"))  
        return CompletedDocumentRetrievalEvent(  
            name=ev.get("name"), documents=documents  
    async def ingest_documents_to_airtrain(
        self, ctx: Context, ev: CompletedDocumentRetrievalEvent
    ) -> StopEvent | None:
        dataset_meta = upload_from_llama_nodes(ev.documents,
        return StopEvent(result=dataset_meta)

Since the workflow API treats async code as a first-class citizen, we'll define an async main to drive the workflow.

async def main() -> None:  
    workflow = IngestToAirtrainWorkflow()  
    result = await  
        name="My HN Discussions Dataset",  
        f"Uploaded {result.size} rows to {}. View at: {result.url}"  

Finally, we'll execute the async main using an asyncio event loop.  # actually run the main & the workflow